More than a Janitorial Company
US Janitorial is a company dedicated to providing our valued clients a complete range of services for their property and facility, inside and out. The goal is to simplify property management for you, and to maintain your facility in top operating condition, and to keep it pristine in cleanliness and appearance. We can accomplish this because of the following:
Our company management have a combined 30 years of industry experience. Which benefits both customer and janitor.
US understands the value of having training programs. Training is not only available for new employees, but for staff that has a desire to advance within the organization and for those who want to learn additional skills.
The supervisor(s) walk our client’s facility on a regular basis. Each supervisor will also report to our Operations Manager, who will be familiar with the facility’s needs.
A janitorial log is kept on the property in a convenient location. Our clients can record any comments or make special requests. This log is turned in to the Office by the account supervisor at the end of each week.
At the start of every new contract, we provide our new clients with a deep and thorough cleaning to bring the facility up to the level of cleanliness promised to the customer. We also provide this service, so that the assigned janitor(s) will be able to know the quality level expected by the customer.
Our workers are well supervised by either a working (on-site) supervisor or company supervisors.
Our clients can contact us 24 hrs. a day, seven days a week for emergencies or special requests.